" When human affairs are so ordered that there is no recognition of God, there is a belittling of man. That is why, in the final analysis, worship and law cannot be completely separated from each other. "

          - Pope Benedict Xvi

" God has a right to a response from man, to man himself, and where that right of God totally disappears, the order of law among men is dissolved, because there is no cornerstone to keep the whole structure together. "

          - Pope Benedict Xvi

" How much filth there is in the Church, even among those who, in the priesthood, should belong entirely to Him. How much pride, how much self-sufficiency. "

          - Pope Benedict Xvi

" I am personally convinced that the constant presence in the press of the sins of Catholic priests, especially in the United States, is a planned campaign, as the percentage of these offenses among priests is not higher than in other categories, and perhaps it is even lower. "

          - Pope Benedict Xvi

" Reason always stands in need of being purified by faith: this also holds true for political reason, which must not consider itself omnipotent. "

          - Pope Benedict Xvi

" Having a clear faith, based on the creed of the church, is often labeled today as a fundamentalism. ... Whereas relativism, which is letting oneself be tossed and 'swept along by every wind of teaching,' looks like the only attitude acceptable to today's standards. "

          - Pope Benedict Xvi

" We are moving toward a dictatorship of relativism which does not recognize anything as definitive and has as its highest value one's own ego and one's own desires ...The church needs to withstand the tides of trends and the latest novelties. "

          - Pope Benedict Xvi

" To suffer with the other and for others; to suffer for the sake of truth and justice; to suffer out of love and in order to become a person who truly loves—these are fundamental elements of humanity, and to abandon them would destroy man himself. "

          - Pope Benedict Xvi

" Where can we look for answers? The Spirit points us towards the way that leads to life, to love and to truth. The Spirit points us towards Jesus Christ. In him we find the answers we are seeking. "

          - Pope Benedict Xvi

" The religious sense planted within the human heart leads us to meet the needs of others and to search for concrete ways to contribute to the common good. Religion ...teaches people that authentic service requires sacrifice and self-discipline, which in turn must be cultivated through self-denial, temperance and a moderate use of the world's goods. "

          - Pope Benedict Xvi

" Sometimes people do worship 'other gods' without realizing it. False 'gods' are nearly always associated with the worship of three things: material possessions, possessive love, or power. "

          - Pope Benedict Xvi

" Life is not governed by chance; it is not random. Your very existence has been willed by God, blessed and given a purpose! Life is not just a succession of events or experiences. "

          - Pope Benedict Xvi

" Celibacy for the sake of the Kingdom means embracing a life completely devoted to love, a love that enables you to commit yourselves fully to God's service and to be totally present to your brothers and sisters, especially those in need "

          - Pope Benedict Xvi

" Society today is being fragmented by a way of thinking that is inherently short-sighted because it disregards the full horizon of truth - the truth about God and about us. By its nature, relativism fails to see the whole picture. It ignores the very principles that enable us to live and flourish in unity, order and harmony. "

          - Pope Benedict Xvi

" The ways of the Lord are not comfortable, but we were not created for comfort, but for greatness, for good. "

          - Pope Benedict Xvi